Louis Farrakhan: Nation of Islam Mourning its ‘Brother’ Noah Green Who Was Shot and Killed After Murdering a Capitol Police Officer

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Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who I refer to as FarraKLAN said his group of anti-Semitic racists is mourning its “brother” who died while he murdered a Capitol police officer last week, said the killer might have been a future “star” for the Hate Whitey movement. When the radical left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center comes out and calls a black man an anti-Semite and declares that his religious organization “is based on a somewhat bizarre and fundamentally anti-white theology” you know there’s a PR problem.

On Tuesday, the Nation of Islam released a statement affirming that Noah Green, 25, was studying to become a full member of the hate group but blamed “potential mental illness” for him plowing a car into two Capitol cops and then jumping out with a $300 knife on Friday that he purchased in DC.

“I am sure, had he been blessed to come through the crisis that he was going through, he would have been a star in the mission of the resurrection of our people,” Farrakhan said in the statement.

Speaking of mental illness, Farrakhan talks about a spaceship the size of a city.

“The Mother Wheel is a heavily armed spaceship the size of a city, which will rain destruction upon white America but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam.” The minister of bullschtein once said that he was lifted up into the craft. [Queue Outer Limits music]

“We need to know what happened to our brother,” he said.

The Nation said it “cannot rest until we find out what caused him to take a turn like this.”

It’s pretty simple for the rest of us. Noah Green was shot and killed by police after he drove a car into a barricade outside the US capital and killed a police officer. That’s what happened to him. He probably got is rage by listening to the teachings of Louis Farrakhan.

“We are saddened by the loss of this brother with such great potential,” the group said.

I’m saddened when anyone loses their life, but I never heard Farrakhan mention he was sad for the Capitol officer that Green killed.

“With heavy hearts we offer sympathy and condolences to his mother, father, family and friends.”

What about condolences for the mother, father, family, and friends of the police officer? It’s not like the two had an interaction prior to Green driving a vehicle through the barricade and killing the cop.

Farrakhan and others gave their messages of support as a new video was discovered that shows Green calmly buying the knife he lunged at cops with only 90 minutes prior to driving his vehicle into cops killing officer William Evans, an 18-year veteran.

TMZ got hold of footage showing Green inside a kitchen appliance store where he picked out and bought the knife.

It was a Kurosaki Shizuku Sujihiki 270mm SG2 knife that retails around $300, according to TMZ. The outlet noted that the purchase of the knife shows that Green planned the attack in advance.

Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam said that Green was breaking the rules to “not to carry any weapons — not so much as a penknife” and that his crimes were “against our law.”

“For us, human life is sacred. And the violation of human life is a violation of God, Himself, because He’s the giver of life and He’s the ultimate cause of death,” the statement said.

“We absolutely disavow this act that resulted in the senseless loss of life,” the statement added.

“It is shocking for us to learn that someone who was attempting to be a part of our ranks may have been involved in something as tragic as this.”

That’s funny because I am old enough to remember the then recently former spokesman for the Nation of Islam Khallid Muhammad expressing love for Colin Ferguson, the black man who targeted white people shooting them on an LIRR train, saying “God spoke to Colin Ferguson and said, ‘Catch the train, Colin. Catch the train.’”

The Nation said that they condemned the “wicked mischaracterization … trying to tie this tragic incident to the teachings of the Nation of Islam.”

The group argued, “Timothy McVeigh confessed that he was a Christian, but nobody blames the church for his misconduct.” Maybe that’s because the Christianity doesn’t preach that certain groups of people are not yet evolved humans and calling Jews “hook-nosed, bagel-eatin’, lox-eatin’, imposter-perpetrating-a-fraud, johnny-come-lately, just-crawled-out-of-the-caves-and-hills-of-Europe wannabe Jew . . .”




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