Lauren Boebert Shoots Back At Critics Over Guns Displayed In Zoom Call

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Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is fighting back against critics who insulted her for her Zoom conference background.

Boebert virtually appeared at a House Natural Resources Committee meeting on Thursday, with a display of guns on a bookshelf behind her in her home.  The gun haters thought she made them less safe by having weapons in her house on a video screen.  Democrats seriously need to start electing smarter people.

Business Insider reported that critics made fun of the freshman Congresswoman saying that her guns were in a condition of unsafe storage.  Boebert fought back saying, “These are ready for use.”

Boebert chided the House Natural Resources Committee rule prohibiting firearms in its hearing room, even when it’s from their own home in a virtual online meeting, saying, “This rule is absurd and discriminative.” She’s absolutely right.  She continued.  “This is a blatant violation of our constitutional rights.”

Trust me, nobody else in that meeting who complained gives a damn about Constitutional rights. They’re all a bunch of tyrants.

From the perspective of “up yours,” the freshman Congresswoman asked the committee to issue her a “personal security detail” if the committee was going to enforce the rule.

“I would like to request at this time personal security detail that the chairman pays for himself, for every time I’m stepping into the committee room,” she said. “If this is passed, the chairman is trying to take responsibility for my personal safety while stripping away my Second Amendment rights.”

Naturally, the House Natural Resources Committee upheld the ban and she got no security detail.

Business Insider pointed out that a 1967 regulation stipulates that members of Congress can keep guns in their offices and may transport them around the Capitol with the exception of the House and Senate floors.  Boebert, Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and others complained that the regulation is a restriction that infringes on the Second Amendment.

A Democratic spokesperson told Business Insider, “As far as we’re concerned, we’re not doing anything new here. We’re restating existing policy.”
Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA.) mocked Boebert on Thursday over her “gun fetish.”

So, restating an existing policy that has violated the Second Amendment for 54 years is fine?

“Here’s the reality, if someone wants to have a shrine to their gun fetish as a Zoom backdrop in their private life, they can do it. But this is our hearing room. And at some point, we will get past the COVID epidemic and we’ll all start showing up in person. And our safety and our ability to conduct business civilly without feeling threatened is a relevant consideration, unfortunately,” he said snarkily.

This nimrod is mistaking a member of Congress trying to make a point about Constitutional rights for a gun fetish.  Someone should send him a copy of the Second Amendment.  Representative Boebert has a Bill of Rights fetish that Huffman should try sometime.

Representative Jason Crow (D-CO), a veteran, took to social media to insult Boebert.

“Let’s call this what it is — a political stunt. I never stacked guns on a bookshelf when at war, let alone on a Zoom in my living room. Unless you’re on patrol in Afghanistan, this is the right way to store a gun.”

Apparently, this moron doesn’t know the difference between being at war and on a virtual Zoom meeting. The “political stunt” is to point out how Democrat tyrants are crushing our Constitutional rights.  Right now they are preparing legislation geared to end your gun rights.

Representative Katie Porter (D-CA) also took to social media and tweeted about the virtual background that hurts her feelings.

“I always thought my dirty dishes piled up and accumulating bacteria were the most dangerous thing in a Zoom background.”

How are her dirty dishes dangerous to others in a virtual Zoom meeting?   Are these clowns seriously trying to get people to believe they can be harmed by things through a monitor?  Who votes for morons like this?

After experiencing a large amount of criticism, Boebert shot back [pun intended] at a Twitter user who accused the Congresswoman for having “unsafe gun storage.”

“Who says this is storage? These are ready for use.”




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