During Trump’s presidency, he ended the threat of Qasem Soleimani by ordering a drone strike on the Iranian military officer. Unlike Biden’s failed hit, Trump’s assassination of Soleimani was a success. While he was still in office, Iranian officials did not say work but now that the US has a cowardly Biden in the oval office, Iranian officials feel safe to threaten an attack on the US:
“Speaking at an event commemorating the two-year anniversary of Soleimani’s assassination on Jan. 3, 2020, by a US drone strike ordered by former President Donald Trump, Ghaani said, “We will get revenge that you will not forget for the rest of your life.” Talking about Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who advocated for the strike behind the scenes, Ghaani said, “All of the criminals who are on the scene, from the criminal US president to all of those behind the crime of the assassination of Soleimani, are under our magnifying glass.”
Ghaani added, “We do not have the style of [US] criminals, with divine power; we have our own style of revenge.”
Ghaani said that one of Iran’s and Soleimani’s goals was the removal of US troops from the region, which is currently happening. He said that US troop presence at one point was 150,000 — he didn’t specify when — but that today, according to US numbers, it is 2,500. He added, “But the honorable people of Iraq and Soleimani’s friends will not even tolerate this amount.”
“Ghaani said, “We will prepare ground for the hard revenge against the US from within their homes, as we do not need to be present as supervisors everywhere, wherever is necessary we take revenge against Americans by the help of people on their side and within their own homes without our presence.”
Isreal still stands ready to take care of the Iranian threat, if only Biden would get the heck out of the way.