Illegal Immigrant Convicted of Beheading Girlfriend, Found Not Guilty Due to Mental Illness

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Judge Caroline Lennon ruled that Alexis Saborit, an illegal alien, 42, was not guilty of first-degree premeditated murder due to his mental illness.

The ruling came after a May conviction for the beheading of his girlfriend America Thayer in broad daylight in Shakopee, Minnesota earlier this year.

Two doctors analyzed Saborit’s case and determined he “was suffering from mental illness to the extent that it prevented him from understanding the moral wrongfulness of his actions during the alleged offense.”

To support their diagnosis, they cited his medical history including traumatic brain injury from a 2017 car crash, symptoms of mania in conjunction with psychosis, a significant history of non-compliance with prescribed treatments, and hospitalizations in 2013 for bizarre delusions.

On July 28th – the same day as the ruling – Saborit had been driving to court with Thayer when he attacked her with an 8-pound dumbbell before beheading her with a machete.

The indictment showed that days beforehand Saborit had told a friend “I’m going to chop her f***ing head off” with a laugh.

Charles Thayer – America’s son – expressed outrage at the outcome:

“It is tough to understand how somebody can commit cold-blooded murder, plan to do it, tell everyone they’re going to do it, have a motive to do it, and then somehow be considered insane,” Charles Thayer told KMSP-TV.

“I just don’t know what world or society we are living in anymore,” Charles added. “I just want this to be over with, for myself and my family.”

He continued, “This is your typical tell-tale abusive man controlling a relationship for many, many years. And I cannot even tell you how many times the cops were called for him beating the crap out of her.”

Thayer brought a large photo of his mother to court, but Saborit allegedly wouldn’t look at it.

“He didn’t make any eye contact at all,” Thayer said. “He is obviously very ashamed of what he did. He killed the only person in the world that cared about this guy.”

He continued “This is your typical tell-tale abusive man controlling a relationship for many many years.” Charles also noted that Saborit did not make eye contact when he saw his mother’s photo brought into court.

Saborit will now remain incarcerated at Scott County Jail until being transferred to psychiatric care facility instead of prison time given by May’s conviction.

This decision has sparked controversy among those who view this as leniency on behalf of the justice system towards illegal immigrants perpetrating serious crimes within our borders.





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