Harris Laughs Through Interview, Until Asked About Biden Running In 2024

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Robert Costa of CBS’s “Face the Nation” asked Harris: “Up on Capitol Hill, there is speculation among some Democrats and some Republicans that President Biden won’t run for reelection in 2024. What’s your message to those who say that?”

“Listen to President Biden,” Harris replied, with the CBS transcript noting Harris’ mid-response laughter. “He intends to run, and if he does, I intend to run with him. [laughs]

“So there you go.”

Democrats are terrified Biden will run again. His approval rating hit a staggering 30% last week and he’s dragging his fellow tyrannical Dems down with him. Any candidate could probably beat him at this point.

I was sort of shocked to see Republicans urging Biden not to run again but then again, they just want to save us all the embarrassment as a nation as the world would watch another blunderous Biden run.

Later in the segment, Harris stopped laughing when Costa pressed her about potentially running, with gaffe-king Biden, against Donald Trump.

“So I – you know, listen, honestly – right now, let’s focus on what we got to deal with right now because I know that’s how the president is focused,” Harris said. “He’s focused on doing everything that we’ve discussed, bringing down the cost of gas, dealing with – seeing through what we need to do around getting roads and bridges fixed in America, focusing on what we have continued to do under his leadership, which is to improve and strengthen the relationship the United States has around the world.”


New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would not commit to backing Biden in the 2024 presidential election, saying instead that “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

“I think if the President has a vision, then that’s something certainly we’re all willing to entertain and examine when the time comes,” Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat who wields a significant amount of influence over the party’s progressive wing, told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union” when asked if she plans to support Biden in his 2024 reelection bid.




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