Harmeet Dhillon Calls For GOP Lawmakers To Boycott Fox News

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Harmeet Dhillon, the lawyer representing Fox News show host Tucker Carlson ended her appearances on the network following a cease-and-desist letter to Carlson over his second episode of “Tucker on Twitter”, she has called for Republican lawmakers to follow suit and boycott FOX News.

It is likely that this situation will become worse before it can get better for Fox News. It is understandable why conservative Republicans would feel betrayed by this news.

The network has long provided a platform for them to share their views with millions of TV viewers across the country, so taking away that opportunity could be difficult for many conservatives in Congress.

Dhillon’s call to action may spark a movement among those who support President Donald Trump and other conservative politicians in Congress.

Many Republican lawmakers are already questioning whether or not they should continue appearing on Fox after. There are also some reports that suggest Fox’s feud with Carlson might extend beyond just him, potentially leading to further boycotts from top GOP officials if things don’t improve soon.

Newsmax reports:

Tucker Carlson’s Lawyer to GOP Lawmakers: Boycott Fox

Tucker Carlson’s lawyer Harmeet Dhillon has ended her appearances on Fox News and is urging Republican lawmakers to do the same.

The move comes after Fox sent a cease-and-desist letter to Carlson after his second episode of “Tucker on Twitter.” Carlson took his show to the social media platform after being taken off the air by Fox earlier this year.

Dhillon tweeted on Monday:

For all the friends who have been asking “why don’t we see you on Fox anymore?” — This is why. I am passionately committed to free speech and a free flow of information necessary for a free society. Until Fox stops trying to silence Tucker, it’s not a place for me. And I feel for my friends working at the network which has clearly caved into pressure from some quarter to silence @TuckerCarlson. What you are seeing on Fox today is a censored version of the news. Keep that in mind as you make your viewing and your commenting choices.”

See Dhillon’s tweet below:

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh recently commented on Twitter that this could be the downfall of FOX:

Who would have thought this would happen just three months ago?




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