FREE College for Illegal Aliens in Minnesota

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As the Minnesota Legislature’s Democratic majority made illegal immigrants eligible for free college tuition last month, conservatives have been concerned about the cost and implications of such a move.

The bill has passed both the House and the Senate in the state, and Governor Tim Walz approved it on May 24 as part of a larger education spending package.

The North Star Promise allows illegal immigrants to receive tuition “if they enroll in a two or four-year program within the University of Minnesota or Minnesota State systems and come from a household with an income of $80,000 or less” according to Axios.

While proponents argue that this is necessary to ensure everybody can benefit from educational opportunities regardless of their background or documentation status, there are those who are concerned about how this will be funded and what it could mean for taxpayers across Minnesota.

The Associated Press reported that in Minnesota the program “would cost about $117 million in the fiscal year that begins July 1, including startup costs. After that, it would cost about $49.5 million annually, according to the agreement reached Monday night.”

This large sum is likely to raise eyebrows amongst conservative circles as many worry how paying for free college tuition for illegal immigrants could take away funds from other necessary programs such as housing and food assistance which help those who already reside within American borders legally.

California has already introduced its own similar program which was highlighted by Alpha News recently. According to them:

“In March, California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) published a report stating ‘More than half of California’s undocumented students in postsecondary education (53 percent) do not fill out a California Dream Act Application (CADAA),’ while only ’14 percent of California’s estimated undocumented student population in postsecondary education receives financial aid to support their higher education goals.'”

These figures suggest that even if these programs are available, many do not actually benefit from them which could lead some to question whether they are necessary at all.

Ultimately these policies pose difficult questions for citizens across America as we attempt to establish fair immigration laws while also ensuring our own citizens have access to government assistance when needed most.

As more states look into expanding benefits for illegal immigrants it is important we consider all aspects before making decisions that could have huge implications on an entire nation both financially and socially in years ahead.





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