Dana White Shares Kamala Harris Clip, Raises Concerns Ahead of 2024 Election

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As the 2024 election draws near, political scrutiny is intensifying, and Vice President Kamala Harris is at the center of the latest controversy. On Thursday evening, UFC President Dana White ignited social media when he shared a video clip of Harris struggling to answer a question during an interview with Stephen Colbert. White’s accompanying commentary was blunt: “She is incapable of putting a sentence together without a teleprompter, and even she appears to know she is in way over her head.” The clip, which White posted on X (formerly Twitter), has since gone viral, raising concerns about Harris’s capability to handle the responsibilities of a potential presidency.

The clip shared by White is from Harris’s recent appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where the vice president was asked a fairly straightforward question: “Under a Harris administration, what would the major changes be, and what would stay the same?” Given that Harris is potentially just a heartbeat away from assuming the presidency, Colbert’s question was intended to give her an opportunity to articulate what her leadership would look like.

However, instead of providing a clear and concise response, Harris seemed to stumble, and what followed was a series of disjointed thoughts that only served to highlight her apparent struggle to provide a coherent answer. “Sure, well, I mean, I’m obviously not Joe Biden, and so that would be one change in terms of—” she began, but she never finished the thought. Instead, she pivoted awkwardly to former President Donald Trump, stating, “But also I think it’s important to say with, you know, 28 days to go, I’m not Donald Trump.”

Her response left both Colbert and his audience waiting for more, as she had failed to address the actual question. Even Colbert’s typically friendly audience, who were more likely to support her, seemed to recognize the lack of substance in her reply. The moment became awkwardly silent as Harris appeared uncertain of what to say next.

This wasn’t the first time Harris had been asked a similar question that day. Earlier, during an appearance on The View, she was asked a nearly identical question. Her response on the popular daytime talk show also lacked clarity, as she essentially reiterated that she wouldn’t have done anything differently than President Joe Biden. With several hours between the two interviews, many expected Harris to refine her answer by the time she sat down with Colbert, but unfortunately for the vice president, that didn’t happen.

Instead, Harris resorted to vague platitudes and generalities. “And so when we think about the significance of what this next generation of leadership looks like, were I to be elected president, it is about—frankly I, I love the American people, and I believe in our country, I love that it is our character and nature to be an ambitious people,” she said. The words came across as hollow and unconvincing, far from the kind of answer that instills confidence in a potential leader of the free world.

Dana White’s decision to post the video clip was accompanied by his blunt assessment: “This should scare EVERYONE.” White is known for his straightforward style, and his comment immediately sparked a wave of reactions on social media. Many users shared his sentiment, expressing concern about Harris’s readiness to assume the presidency if the situation were to arise.

The clip quickly gained traction online, with many mocking Harris’s performance and questioning her fitness for higher office. As White pointed out, even Harris herself seemed to realize that her response was inadequate, further adding to the growing unease surrounding her public appearances.

Adding to the viral nature of the clip, the video was edited to include a comedic reference from the 1995 film Billy Madison. In the clip, after Harris’s stumbling answer, a scene from the movie is inserted where a school principal, played by James Downey, delivers an infamous line: “What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.”

While meant for comedic effect, the inclusion of this scene only underscored the frustration felt by many viewers who expected more from a vice president who could one day lead the nation.

This latest incident isn’t the first time Kamala Harris has faced criticism over her communication skills. Throughout her time as vice president, she has been criticized for her tendency to rely on vague phrases and empty platitudes during interviews and speeches. Whether it’s talking about the “passage of time” or struggling to articulate clear policies, Harris’s public appearances have often led to mockery and concern about her preparedness for higher office.

As 2024 approaches and the election heats up, Harris’s role in the Biden administration will come under even greater scrutiny. Her performance in high-pressure situations, particularly when communicating to the public, will play a significant role in how voters view her leadership potential.

Dana White’s viral video post of Kamala Harris’s interview has struck a nerve, raising serious questions about her readiness to lead. As she continues to face criticism for her communication skills, the stakes will only grow higher in the coming months. With the 2024 election looming, both Harris and the Biden campaign will need to address these concerns head-on to reassure voters of her capability to handle the presidency if necessary. Whether Harris can rise to the challenge remains to be seen, but moments like the Colbert interview are likely to stay in the minds of voters as they head to the polls.


The fact that the Democratic Party wants to install such a person as president should scare everyone.





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