A Virginia couple driving through the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina narrowly escaped being swept away by a massive mudslide triggered by the...
Donald Trump Jr. had a heated confrontation with CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins following the vice-presidential debate in New York City, as she attempted to...
Vice President Kamala Harris is facing intense criticism for attending a star-studded Hollywood fundraiser while communities in the southeastern United States are grappling with...
The U.S. economy faces a potential crisis as Harold Daggett, president of the International Longshoreman Association (ILA), threatens to “cripple” the country with a...
Chinese researchers put out warnings of a coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan approximately two years before COVID-19 emerged in the same city, according to Josh...
Another day, another irrational rant by the racist lady at MSNBC. On Wednesday, radical leftist Woke Supremacist MSNBC host and most misnamed person for...
Another day, another PR disaster for United Airlines. This time, a woman has accused them of giving her seat to a Democratic congresswoman. Jean-Marie...
This would be horrible!.. If the facts were, indeed, FACTS. The true facts reveal once again, an angry Trump-hater with a seemingly unbelievable story...
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