The growing migrant crisis in Springfield, Ohio, has led to escalating tensions between residents and Haitian nationals, a situation that Tremont City Police Chief...
Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris and the country’s Second Gentleman, is facing serious allegations stemming from an incident in 2012....
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has notified America First Legal, a conservative legal group, that President Joe Biden’s lawyers, along with representatives of former...
The FBI has agreed to a $22 million settlement in a class-action lawsuit involving 34 female recruits who alleged sexual harassment and unfair dismissals...
According to the spin from the Left, former President Barack Obama ran the most exemplary administration that our nation has ever seen. Reality sings...
The Department of Justice called out the Obama administration for its mishandling of sexual harassment allegations. We probably won’t see these splashed across liberal television...
It’s been almost two months since the terrifying shooting in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, many details still remain murky. Today, police released terrifying new details....
Ty Clevenger, a New York lawyer, filed a Freedom of Information Act request concerning Hillary Clinton’s email investigation in March 2016. Last month, he...
When 25-year-old Thomas McClellan didn’t know how to respond to his 5-year-old stepdaughter, he repeatedly stabbed the little girl and then set her body...
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