Biden’s Explosive Reaction to Heckler During Speech Goes Viral… Is He OK?

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During a campaign event at Union Station in Washington, DC, Joe Biden delivered remarks on his economic policies, which have been criticized for their inaccuracies.

Despite his claims of reducing the deficit by $1 trillion, experts point out that his tax-and-spend approach has contributed to the deficit.

Additionally, Biden’s tendency to mix up details in his speeches was evident when he confused stories about his commuting experiences.

“Nobody earning less than $400K,000 per year will pay an extra penny in taxes!” Biden said.

This statement is false.

President Biden has indeed increased taxes for Americans with incomes as low as $20,000 per year.

Plus, inflation is acting as a hidden tax that is negatively impacting millions of diligent American workers.

At one point a heckler interrupted Biden’s speech.

“Well I’ll tell you what…you wanna come make a speech or shush up, okay?” Biden said to the heckler. “I’m not messing around with him! He looks like he could take me!”


Biden lost his mind:

“We’re the United States of America! There is nothing beyond our capacity, nothing!” Biden shouted.

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