Biden Attacks Trump, Spins Poor Economic News Into A Win

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On Monday, Joe Biden took a break from his vacation in Rehoboth Beach to travel to Philadelphia and deliver a controversial speech to Sheet Metal Workers Local 19.

In his address, he harshly criticized President Trump and misrepresented his own economic plan. The economy has suffered greatly since Joe Biden was put into power, with millions of people struggling to make ends meet and businesses unable to keep their doors open. It is clear that his policies have not been effective in restoring the nation’s financial security.

  • Inflation is still high
  • Gas prices are still skyrocketing
  • Outrageously high grocery bills are crushing middle America.
  • 30-year fixed rate mortgages are nearly 8%
  • 61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck because of Bidenflation. A six-figure income is no longer enough in Joe Biden’s America.
  • A staggering 44% of Americans earning $100,000+ per year are living paycheck to paycheck.

Unemployment rose “unexpectedly” to 3.8% in August, though the true rate is considerably higher. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 187,000 last month, however, this may be revised down once the Biden Administration releases its figures.

August was a good month for foreign-born workers in America as 771,000 of them found jobs, simultaneously, 1.2 million native-born Americans lost theirs.

Despite these negative statistics, Joe Biden has boasted that he has created 13.5 million jobs since his inauguration thanks to his economic agenda known as “Bidenomics.”

“It wasn’t that long ago we were losing jobs in this country. In fact, the guy who held this job before me was just one of two presidents in history who left office with fewer jobs in America than when he got elected,” Biden said trashing Trump after Democrats forced TENS OF MILLIONS of Americans out of their jobs during Covid.

People going back to work after the Covid lockdowns is not job creation.

“By the way, you know who the other one was? Herbert Hoover! Isn’t that kind of coincidental!” he added.




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