Many Americans have no idea what inflation is like because the United States has gone for decades of having low inflation, so for many people, it’s hard to get their heads around how things have gotten so bad so fast.
Prices are rising out of control all throughout the country and it’s only going to get worse because the people to blame for this are showing no signs of stopping what caused it. In fact, the current scenario of the Biden administration with Democrats in control of both houses of Congress are showing they are willing to exacerbate the problem all the way up until we hit the oblivion factor. I guess they’re figuring they can always blame the coming calamity on Donald Trump or systemic racism.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Washington politicians spent money at an unparalleled rate raising our national debt up to 28 trillion dollars.
I am in the camp of they did it mostly to get rid of Donald Trump. They weaponized and exploited the virus to make life as miserable as possible for Americans in the hopes many would blame President Trump for their misery, while at the same time they created a government check dependency, the dream of most politicians.
At the same time, our Federal Reserve Bank, which is no more a federal entity than Federal Express, keeps pumping trillions of dollars into our economic system.
Inflation is really easy to understand which is why politicians try to make it complicated to understand because they fear once the people figure out what’s happening to their purchasing power is directly because of them they will be run out of town on a rail.
When trillions of dollars are added to the economy out of thin air, it’s an artificial buying power. A more stable economy has money enter into it by generating the wealth, not printing it with nothing to back it and then throwing it into the economy.
Generating wealth is a process that works. Things are manufactured and put on the market to be purchased. People involved in manufacturing the products and the people responsible for getting them to market earn a living doing so. There is an unbelievable number of people involved in doing so, millions really.
When that much money is handed out to people they are going to spend it. They are going to buy things with it. When you have a lot of Americans buying the same things, those things eventually run out. There are no unlimited resources.
Everything is a finite source. Let’s take, for example, lumber. When you go into a Lowes or a Home Depot store, you can see the lumber section and visibly see the stacks of wood. You will rarely ever see a section of lumber that ran out. That’s because the store has workers who make sure if a certain type of wood is running low they order more and move it out on the floor for sale.
What happens when the lumber yards can’t find enough people to cut the wood to satisfy the demand? Very simply, the wood doesn’t get cut and Lowes and Home Depot don’t get the wood replaced at the same cost. The cost of the wood goes up because too many stores want the same finite amount of wood and the highest bidder gets it. The same way an abundance of a product causes the price to go down, the opposite effect happens when the product is scarce.
That’s how you can see cuts of wood that used to cost $19.99 a sheet are now between $60 and $100.
So, why can’t the lumber yards find enough workers? Because our government has seen to it that people are getting just enough money through stimulus checks to not want to get up every morning and go to work. I call them COVID bums. They have joined The Flat Ass Society (FAS) and would rather sit around the house than going to work since they are getting paid enough to sustain themselves for the foreseeable future.
The lumber is just one example of millions. Adding to that phenomenon we have ignorant and incompetent politicians who are blaming the business owners for rising costs and are pushing for increasing minimum wage requirements so people can afford the rising prices.
Restaurants also cannot find enough workers and if they do, they have to pay them higher wages just to get them to take leave from their membership in the FAS to come to work. Higher wages means the customer is going to pay more for the same food. The restaurant can’t eat that higher wage (no pun intended).
Now, add to that the rising cost of the food. The same problems with lumber are in effect in the foodservice industry.
After President Joe Biden’s recent disastrous town hall the Daily Mail interviewed John Stratidis, a Manhattan restaurant manager who said just that. According to Stratidis, the rising costs of food and materials and the increased cost of worker wages means that customers are going to have to pay more for their meals.
He is warning that New Yorkers might wind up paying $40 or $50 for a hamburger. Can you imagine going through the McDonald’s drive-through and having to fill out a financial aid form just to get a Happy Meal? Well, thanks to Washington that’s coming.
“When minimum wage goes up, who do you think is going to pay for that? The customer. Everything is going to go up just to be able to stay in business. When we give more money, the prices go up and when the prices go up who’s going to pay for that?
They’re going to be crying about it, and saying ‘it’s too expensive.’ That’s inflation. You’re going to be walking in somewhere to eat something and paying $40 or $50 for a hamburger.”
How about $12 for a loaf of bread, $16 per gallon of milk? What if you had to pay $20 per gallon for gasoline? What about all the people who are working and will lose their jobs because the company they work for can no longer afford to stay open? What then?
Folks, this is no joke, and it’s not hyperbole. This is going to happen if we keep pumping money into the economy with no manufacturing to create the supply for the artificially created demand. Currently, the Democrats are trying to pass a $3.5 trillion spending bill on infrastructure.
Does anyone really believe the majority of spending line items in the bill are for infrastructure? Pump that much money into an already fragile economy that has seen more than that amount already moved into the economy and we are heading for disaster.
How are you feeling about mail-in ballots and the 2020 elections now?
Now you know why Pelosi and company are pushing things like the January 6 commission and other nonsense when they should be trying to get control of our spiraling economy. They are distracting you from things they are doing that will destroy the lives of millions of Americans, many of whom are unaware it’s going to happen.
Call your representatives and tell them to stop the outrageous spending, stop putting our children and grandchildren into debt slavery. The majority margins in Congress are so slim that all we need are a couple of members of the House and Senate who will back down and refuse to support such insanity as spending $3.5 trillion that we don’t have.