After 5.2 Million Dead, Chinese Doctors Admit They Have the Antibody That Neutralizes All Strains of COVID

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The Wuhan Lab in Wuhan, China conducted experiments on strains of coronaviruses of which COVID-19 is. So far COVID-19 has killed 5.2 million people around the world. Of the dead, 800,000 were Americans.

Dr. Faucistein lied about sending money to the lab and has consistently denied the virus was created in the lab as many experts claim it is a credible possibility. ‘

They have also blocked the use of Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin even though 365 clinical tests have proven they are effective against the disease.

Now, the Chinese claim they have an antibody that works against every known variant of the disease there is. I don’t know if this is true or if it is just more propaganda or even how long they have had the aforementioned antibody.

But, what I do know is that if it really works Dr. Faucistein will make sure it’s banned so that Big Pharma can continue to make billions on their experimental drugs that are not preventing the loss of life. And, can in fact add to the loss of life some say.

Russia Today reported:

Chinese scientists claim to have isolated an antibody which can effectively neutralize all strains of Covid-19, referencing both lab experiments and those performed on a living organism.

In a study published on Tuesday, Chinese scientists from a variety of institutions, including Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou and Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, suggested that they may have the panacea to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The authors claim that monoclonal antibody 35B5 has been shown in both in vitro (laboratory or test-tube experiment) and in vivo (performed on living organism) studies to neutralize wild-type Covid-19 (without mutations) as well as variants of concern (VOCs). The in vivo tests were carried out on humanized mice.

The scientists noted that the antibody also works on the highly mutated Delta variant, which has been responsible for deadly waves of infection around the world since it first emerged in India earlier this year.

“35B5 neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 [Covid-19] by targeting a unique epitope [part of the antigen molecule which the antibody attaches itself to] that avoids the prevailing mutation sites,” the study explains. In other words, 35B5 targets a unique part of the virus that does not change during the mutation process.

By targeting part of the virus which is not impacted by the mutations identified in circulating VOCs, antibody 35B5 demonstrated capacity for “pan-neutralizing efficacy” across multiple strains. These findings, the scientists argue, could be “exploited for the rational design of a universal SARS-CoV-2 [Covid-19] vaccine.”





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