Abbott: Secretary Mayorkas Should Be Impeached

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The Biden Open Border Crisis: Should DHS Secretary Mayorkas Be Impeached? Um… Yes.

Tuesday marks the day that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is being inaugurated for his third term, and border security is at the top of his list of priorities after two years of the Biden border crisis. Abbott has been vocal about wanting DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to be impeached for his handling of the situation, and Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX) has stepped up and filed articles of impeachment against him.

“The facts are that Secretary Mayorkas has repeatedly told the public that the border is secure and that the border is not open,” Abbott said in a national exclusive interview with Fox News Digital ahead of his inauguration Tuesday for a third four-year term steering the Lone Star State.

“He testified under oath to those two statements in front of the United States Congress, and despite what he is saying, the reality is under Secretary Mayorkas we have the largest number of people coming across the border illegally than ever in the history of the United States of America,” the governor said.

And Abbott argued that Mayorkas “should be prosecuted for impeachment for lying to Congress and lying to Americans or because he’s incompetent at doing his job.”

It’s clear that Mayorkas has no intention of enforcing current immigration laws, as evidenced by the fact that the number of apprehensions at the southern border last month was more than 250,000 – the highest number ever in the history of the US. Governor Abbott has done everything he can to secure the border, but it’s a federal responsibility that Biden has completely neglected. The Lone Star State has had to foot the bill for billions of dollars in resources to try and combat the crisis, and it’s not getting any better.

Biden has been invited to tour the border with Texas Republicans, but he has refused to do so. He instead took a politically convenient trip to El Paso, where he was shown a sanitized version of the situation and was not accompanied by any Republicans, not even Rep. Tony Gonzales who represents the district.

The impeachment of Mayorkas is unlikely to succeed with the Democrat-controlled Senate and Biden in the White House, but it’s a necessary move to make a point. The only way to oust Mayorkas is for Biden to fire him and it’s clear that’s not going to happen. Mayorkas is doing exactly what Biden wants him to do – ignore current laws and rely on catch and release at the border.

The Biden open border crisis is an embarrassment to our nation, and it’s completely unacceptable. It’s time for the Biden administration to take responsibility and secure the border. We need to enforce our laws and stand up for our sovereignty as a nation. The time to act is now.






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