9th Circuit Court Rules mRNA Covid 19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine

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In a major victory for those concerned about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that mRNA injections do not meet the traditional definition of a vaccine.

The case, brought by the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs, challenged the Los Angeles Unified School District’s mandate for all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by a certain date.

The court’s decision stated, “We conclude that these allegations are sufficient to state a claim that [the district’s] vaccination requirement infringes on [plaintiffs’] constitutionally protected interests in bodily integrity, autonomy, and medical treatment choice.”

This ruling has sparked both celebration and outrage among Americans who have been closely following the debate surrounding COVID-19 vaccines.

On one hand, many see this as an important step towards protecting individual freedoms and medical rights. As the plaintiffs argued in their case, forcing individuals to receive a medical treatment they do not consent to goes against their fundamental right to refuse treatment.

On the other hand, proponents of mandatory vaccination policies argue that this decision could jeopardize public health efforts to control the spread of COVID-19. They argue that without widespread vaccination, we will never reach herd immunity and will continue to see surges in cases and deaths.

However, it is important to note that this ruling does not ban the use of mRNA injections or prohibit employers from implementing vaccine mandates. It simply states that these injections do not meet the traditional definition of a vaccine, which is to prevent transmission of a disease.

This distinction is crucial, as many Americans have been misled into believing that receiving the COVID-19 vaccine will completely protect them from getting or spreading the virus. In reality, the vaccine only provides partial protection and does not eliminate the possibility of contracting or transmitting COVID-19.

This ruling also raises questions about the rushed approval process for COVID-19 vaccines and the lack of long-term studies on their safety and efficacy. As stated in the court’s decision, “The district’s vaccination requirement appears to be more about sweeping concerns about public health and less about protecting individuals against COVID-19.”

In other words, it seems that political agendas and fear-based messaging may have played a larger role in pushing for widespread vaccination rather than solid scientific evidence.

As expected, there has been pushback against this decision from those who support mandatory vaccination policies. However, it is important to remember that this ruling is based on constitutional rights and medical definitions, not personal opinions or political affiliations.

It remains to be seen how this ruling will impact future vaccine mandates and public health policies. But one thing is clear – this decision has sparked an important conversation about individual rights versus government control when it comes to medical treatments.

While some may view this ruling as controversial or even dangerous, it ultimately upholds our fundamental right to make decisions about our own bodies and healthcare. And for that reason alone, it should be celebrated by all freedom-loving Americans.




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