The year has barely begun and already MSNBC has started with the rhetoric. The thing is, Biden is a sinking ship and he’s taking Democrats down with him. With the midterm elections just around the corner, the liberal media has a job to do- mobilize the crazies who might actually believe their crap.
Fortunately for the rest of us, that pool of lunatics is getting smaller by the day. This is why a panicked MSNBC broke out the ‘big guns’ early. Warning liberals about the “weaponized death cult” —The GOP.
What’s hilarious about all of this is, the left is still trying to spin a platform on hate and fear with no real plan or directive. They’re still selling that anti-Trump BS when a quick look at the numbers proves no one is buying that garbage anymore.
if I can say anything, it’s that watching them lose their hats over the next few months will be entertaining. Just take a look at MSNBC’s hack Wajahat Ali try to spread his doomsday jargon to a fear-fatigued crowed as he explained what the media plans to do:
“Every single day drumbeat from now to the mid-terms to tell people exactly what the Republican party is, the majority of them believe this, and that right now the elected officials right now in office are doing the deed of President Trump by spreading the big lie. This is not a minority. This is the entire GOP right now that is committed to the big lie and has become radicalized and if they take over in 2022 that is the end of democracy and we’re going to have authoritarianism.”
Transcript from Sunday night’s American Voices With Alicia Menendez on MSNBC:
Alicia Menendez: “How do Democrats, and their few Republican allies, effectively tell the story of January 6th?”
Wajahat Ali: “First and foremost, you have to name something for what it is. You can’t treat the GOP as a responsible political party because it isn’t. I call them a radical, weaponized death cult. Radicalized because they believe in dangerous conspiracy theories such as the big lie. Weaponized because a lot of them came with the intention of violence on January 6 to overtake the election through a coup and a pro-death cult because we’re in a pandemic right now and 850,000 people are dead and they’re attacking masks and vaccines. So you need accountability.
“And the Democrats have a slim majority until 2022. God knows if they’ll have it afterwards. You have to flex your power at every branch of the government to show the American people that no one is above the law. So you need accountability, through the committee and the hearings, you need Merrick Garland hopefully to follow the evidence and use the Justice Department to go after people who committed these crimes and then so you also need a daily, 24/7 nonstop story because as Steve Bannon said he wants to flood the zone with ‘S’ word, right? His enemy is the media and you’ve already seen, with the data that you’ve shown, that a lot of Americans are like ‘yeah, maybe, both sides, we don’t know, let’s see.’ Every single day drumbeat from now to the mid-terms to tell people exactly what the Republican party is, the majority of them believe this, and that right now the elected officials right now in office are doing the deed of President Trump by spreading the big lie. This is not a minority. This is the entire GOP right now that is committed to the big lie and has become radicalized and if they take over in 2022 that is the end of democracy and we’re going to have authoritarianism.”
Brent Baker, vice president of research and publications for the Media Research Center, explains our weekly pick: “Ali lays bare the left’s obsession with Jan. 6 and how the media are gleefully exploiting it to push an explicitly partisan agenda to defeat Republicans in the 2022 midterms. When you demand a ‘daily, 24/7 nonstop story’ and an ‘every single day drumbeat,’ it’s not about high-minded ideals of strengthening democracy, it’s about ramming your agenda into every crevice of the news in order to advance the interests of the political party you prefer.”